Enjoying a nice, juicy, ripe peach is a treat that can be found at roadside stands, farmers markets, and grocery stores throughout the summer. Peaches are a large part of South Carolina agriculture as over 200 million pounds of peaches are produced on average each year.


History of Peaches

However, many people may be surprised to learn that peaches actually originated in China, were brought to Europe by the Persians and passed on to the Romans. In the 16th century, Spanish explorers brought peaches to the Americas. Thomas Jefferson had peach trees at Monticello, but commercial production did not begin in the United States until the 19th century.

South Carolina Peach Production

South Carolina is second in peach production and is known as “The Tastier Peach State.” The climate in South Carolina lends itself to growing peaches, but North Carolina has some areas that produce as well. North Carolina ranks ninth in peach production with an average of 35 million pounds produced annually. Just the thought of a fresh, juicy peach leads many to think of all the great foods that can be made from peaches: peach pie, peach cobbler, peach bread, peach cider, and peach jam. There are also some more exotic products that are made from peaches, like peach salsa, peach relish, and peach hot sauce.